Τρίτη 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Ένας παράδεισος που απειλείται. Ο Περουβιανός Αμαζόνιος.

Three Peruvian Indians stand in traditional dress on a masonry ledge of the ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu and look out over a deep valley at one of the Amazon's source streams, early 20th Century. The site was a palace and temple complex, probably used as a seasonal retreat by Incan nobility. It was probably built in the mid-1400s and was inhabited until the Spanish Conquest in 1532. It was rediscovered by Hiram Bingham of Yale University in 1911. (Photo by Henry Clay Gipson/Frederic Lewis/Getty Images)

Χάρη στην πυκνή ζούγκλα του Αμαζόνιου, το Περού μπορεί να περηφανεύεται ότι φιλοξενεί 25.000 είδη φυτών, δηλαδή το 10% του παγκόσμιου συνόλου. Είναι επίσης η δεύτερη πλουσιότερη χώρα όσον αφορά τα πτηνά -περίπου 1.800 είδη- και μια από τις πέντε πλουσιότερες όσον αφορά τα θηλαστικά -515 είδη- και τα ερπετά -418 είδη. Η κυβέρνηση εντείνει τις προσπάθειες διατήρησης, η απειλή της βιομηχανίας όμως παραμένει.
NORTHERN AMAZON, PERU - JUNE 11: Aerial scenes from the Northern Amazon June 11, 2007 in Peru. The scenes show pristine forest as well as the impact of roads into the forest, roadside urbanisation and the effects of that. The images also show the oil town of Trompederos. Scenes there depict the industry of Petroplus, an Argentine oil company and the effect it has on the forest and the pipeline leading thorugh it. The Amazon is a pristine river and massive rainforest is under threat from infrastructure development in Peru. The Achuar Indian people of this Northern region recently won a legal battle with Argentinian Oil giant PlusPetrol to stop them dumping waste oil water, so called 'hot-water' into their water supply. The amount is estimated at around 500 000 barrels a day over a period of 30 years. This has played havoc with the eco-systems around the town of Trompeteros. The oil company has yet to make good on its promises for payment and transparency. The oil company provides the bulk of employment for the polluted town of Trompeteros and thus has the local Achuan population under pressure to not pay attention to the pollution levels. The Achuan people are faced with a choice between a centuries old sustainable lifestyle in harmony with the environment or a move towards increased devastation of their natural lands in the Amazon basin by the oil industry.  (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images)

Το Περού είναι περισσότερο γνωστό για το βραχώδες τοπίο των Άνδεων, ωστόσο το ............
............... τροπικό υγρό δάσος του Αμαζονίου καλύπτει το 60% της συνολικής του έκτασης.
Το 15% του Περού βρίσκεται σήμερα υπό καθεστώς προστασίας, αναφέρει το AFP, ωστόσο η κυβέρνηση έχει εκχωρήσει στη βιομηχανία μεταλλευμάτων και υδρογονανθράκων τα δικαιώματα εκμετάλλευσης για ένα άλλο 16%.

Η δέσμευση του υπουργείου Περιβάλλοντος ότι θα επεκτείνει τις προστατευόμενες περιοχές στο 30% της χώρας δεν φαίνεται να ικανοποιεί τους περιβαλλοντιστές. «Δεν υπάρχουν ξεκάθαρες ενδείξεις ως προς το τι σκοπεύει να κάνει η χώρα για την προστασία της βιοποικιλότητας» δήλωσε στο AFP o Ιβάν Λανέγκρα, εκπρόσωπος της επιτροπής ελέγχου δημόσιας διοίκησης, η οποία χρηματοδοτείται από την κυβέρνηση.

Στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του Αμαζόνιου έχουν ανακαλυφθεί την τελευταία δεκαετία 1.200 είδη ζώων και φυτών, εκτιμά η WWF.

Περιέργως, όμως, τα νέα είδη ανακαλύπτονται συνήθως στη διάρκεια αποστολών που απειλούν το μέλλον του δάσους. «Οι περισσότερες από αυτές τις ανακαλύψεις δεν συμβαίνουν στη διάρκεια επιστημονικών αποστολών, οι οποίες συχνά είναι δαπανηρές. Συχνότερα συμβαίνουν όταν οι εργάτες ανασκάπτουν τοποθεσίες για εταιρείες πετρελαίου, εξορύξεων ή υλοτομίας» επισήμανε ο Μάικλ Βαλγκούι, επικεφαλής του προγράμματος της WWF για τον Περουβιανό Αμαζόνιο.

Παρά τις δυσκολίες, οι επιστήμονες ανακαλύπτουν στο Περού ένα νέο είδος πτηνού κάθε χρόνο και ένα νέο είδος θηλαστικού ανά τέσσερα χρόνια.

Οι τελευταίες ανακαλύψεις περιλαμβάνουν τον μικροσκοπικό δενδρόβιο βάτραχο Ranitomeya amazonica, το κολιμπρί Heliangelus viola, καθώς και τη «βδέλα-τυραννόσαυρο» Tyrannobdella reina (ένθετη αριστερά) που τρυπά τα θύματά της με οκτώ κοφτερά δόντια.

Από την άλλη πλευρά, τα στοιχεία για το έτος 2004 δείχνουν ότι 21 είδη παραμένουν σε «κρίσιμο κίνδυνο εξαφάνισης», μεταξύ άλλων το τσιντσιλά Chinchilla brevicaudata, η νυχτερίδα Tompoeas ravus και η νυκτόβια σαύρα Phyllodactylus sentosus.

Το ποντίκι Phyllotis andinum πιστεύεται ότι έχει ήδη εξαφανιστεί, και οι βιολόγοι ανησυχούν ότι πολλά άλλα άγνωστα είδη θα εξαλειφθούν πριν προλάβει να τα γνωρίσει ο άνθρωπος.
Newsroom ΔΟΛ
NORTHERN AMAZON, PERU - JUNE 11: Aerial scenes from the Northern Amazon from the town of Iqitos to the Amazon oil town of Trompederos, Peru,  June 11, 2007. The scenes show pristine forest as well as the impact of roads into the forest, roadside urbanisation and the effects of that. The images also show the oil town of Trompederos. Scenes there depict the industry of Petroplus, an Argentine oil company and the effect it has on the forest and the pipeline leading thorugh it. The Amazon is a pristine river and massive rainforest is under threat from infrastructure development in Peru. The Achuar Indian people of this Northern region recently won a legal battle with Argentinian Oil giant PlusPetrol to stop them dumping waste oil water, so called 'hot-water' into their water supply. The amount is estimated at around 500 000 barrels a day over a period of 30 years. This has played havoc with the eco-systems around the town of Trompeteros. The oil company has yet to make good on its promises for payment and transparency. The oil company provides the bulk of employment for the polluted town of Trompeteros and thus has the local Achuan population under pressure to not pay attention to the pollution levels. The Achuan people are faced with a choice between a centuries old sustainable lifestyle in harmony with the environment or a move towards increased devastation of their natural lands in the Amazon basin by the oil industry.   (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images)

NORTHERN AMAZON, PERU - JUNE 11: Aerial scenes from the Northern Amazon from the town of Iqitos to the Amazon oil town of Trompederos, Peru,  June 11, 2007. The scenes show pristine forest as well as the impact of roads into the forest, roadside urbanisation and the effects of that. The images also show the oil town of Trompederos. Scenes there depict the industry of Petroplus, an Argentine oil company and the effect it has on the forest and the pipeline leading thorugh it. The Amazon is a pristine river and massive rainforest is under threat from infrastructure development in Peru. The Achuar Indian people of this Northern region recently won a legal battle with Argentinian Oil giant PlusPetrol to stop them dumping waste oil water, so called 'hot-water' into their water supply. The amount is estimated at around 500 000 barrels a day over a period of 30 years. This has played havoc with the eco-systems around the town of Trompeteros. The oil company has yet to make good on its promises for payment and transparency. The oil company provides the bulk of employment for the polluted town of Trompeteros and thus has the local Achuan population under pressure to not pay attention to the pollution levels. The Achuan people are faced with a choice between a centuries old sustainable lifestyle in harmony with the environment or a move towards increased devastation of their natural lands in the Amazon basin by the oil industry.   (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images)

circa 1955:  Iquitos on the banks of the Amazonas river.  (Photo by Evans/Three Lions/Getty Images)

388343 03: Two villagers look at the remains the Baptist missionary plane shot down by the Peruvian Air Force April 20, 2001 from the bank of the Amazon River April 25, 2001 in Huanta, a small village in Iquitos north of Lima, Peru. The plane is waiting to be taken out by Peruvian authorities for inspection. Pilot Kevin Donaldson was flying the plane when it was mistaken as a drug smuggling aircraft and shot down killing missionary Veronica Bowers, 35, and her 7-month-old daughter, Charity. Donaldson was injured in the gunfire. (Photo by Newsmakers)

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